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Karel's Cheese House
18 May 2024

Jokes archive (blonde_qa)

Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a bowling ball?
A1: You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball.
A2: You can't fit the blonde in the bowling ball.
A3: There is no difference. They're both round and have three holes to poke.
A4: You don't eat your bowling ball. (joke-id:721)

Q: What do a bowling ball and a blonde have in common?
A: Chances are they'll both end up in the gutter. (joke-id:722)

Q: What is the difference between a blonde and "The Titanic"?
A: They know how many men went down on "The Titanic". (joke-id:723)

Q: What is the difference between a smart blonde and Bigfoot?
A: Bigfoot has been spotted. (joke-id:724)

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a telephone?
A: It costs 30 cents to use a telephone. (joke-id:725)

Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a guy?
A: The blonde has the higher sperm count. (joke-id:726)

Q: What is the difference between a blonde and the Grand Old Duke of York?
A: The Grand Old Duke of York only 'had' 10000 men. (joke-id:727)

Q: Why is a washing machine better than a blonde?
A: Because you can drop your load in a washing machine, and it won't follow you around for a week. (joke-id:728)

Q: What do blondes and cow-pats have in common?
A: They both get easier to pick-up with age. (joke-id:729)

Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A: The more you bang it, the looser it gets. (joke-id:730)

Q: What does a blonde and a beer bottle have in common?
A: They're both empty from the neck up. (joke-id:731)

Q: What do blondes and spaghetti have in common?
A: They both wriggle when you eat them. (joke-id:732)

Q: Why did the deaf blonde sit on a newspaper?
A: So she could lip read. (joke-id:733)

Q: What do peroxide blondes and black men have in common?
A: They both have black roots. (joke-id:734)

Q: What do you call a blonde with a bag of sugar on her head?
A: Sweet Fuck All... (joke-id:735)

Q: How do you drown a blonde?
A1: Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool.
A2: Don't tell her to swallow.
A3: Leave a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool. (joke-id:736)

Q: Why did the blonde drown in the pool?
A: Someone left a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool. (joke-id:737)

Q: Why do blondes have square boobs?
A: Because they forgot to take the tissues out of the box. (joke-id:738)

Q: How many blondes does it take to make chocolate-chip cookies?
A1: 10. One to mix the dough and nine to peel the smarties.
A2: to mix the batter and two to squeeze the rabbit.
A3: to make batter and one to peel the M&Ms. (joke-id:739)

Q: How do you tell if a blonde did your landscaping?
A: The bushes are darker than the rest of the yard. (joke-id:740)

Q: What did the blonde's mom say to her before the blonde's date?
A: If you're not in bed by 12, come home. (joke-id:741)

Q: What's the blonde's cheer?
A: " I'm blonde, I'm blonde, I'm B.L.O.N....ah, oh well.. I'm blonde, I'm blonde, yea yea yea..." (joke-id:742)

Q: What do you get when you offer a blonde a penny for her thoughts?
A: Change. (joke-id:743)

Q: How does a blonde moonwalk?
A: She pulls down her panties and slides her ass along the floor! (joke-id:744)

Q: Why do blondes find it difficult to marry?
A: Because you don't have to marry them for sex! (joke-id:745)


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18 May 2024